TEKEVER IT has been awarded a contract by a Portuguese utility gas company to integrate the OZONO Service Suite's product within the organisation's management system in order to make available to the whole organisation a mobile solution that makes all relevant business processes more agile, particularly the Assets Management and the Field Technicians Mobility Management processes.
Bridging with the organisation's commercial information system, OZONO Service Suite will consider a field workforce of more than 500 technicians and an additional 100 backoffice employees, enacting a total annual volume of service orders of 500.000.
TEKEVER's OZONO Service Suite combines advanced technologies of mobile computing and wireless communication with optimisation and simulation algorithms to deliver increased efficiency in the intelligent management and optimisation of assets and business processes, allied to a drastic reduction of the carbon footprint. Specifically designed to satisfy the demanding requirements of utility customers, the OZONO Service Suite is a well-implemented product in the market, with a broad range of national and international customers. To know more about this product, please consult http://www.ozono-systems.com/en/products/oss/glance/.